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Sunday, 30 June 2013

Communication Devices

Communication devices means a pice of equipment or hardware designed to more information or data from one place to another.

NIC ( Network Interface Card) 
-Computers on a network need to be able to communicate with server and with other computers. NIC required or a bulit- in network chip is included on the mother board.


  This is very important network communication devices. It is responsible for sending network traffic to its correct destination.It works by reading the destination network address within each data packet ans send it along its way.


It is a devices used to convert digital data to analogue data in order to transmit it over the telephone network.


It is a computer networking devices that links network segments/ network devices. The terms commoly refers to a multi port network bridge that process and routes data at the data link layer of the OSI model.

Saturday, 29 June 2013

"kem jati diri bina insan ilmiah,"

assalamualaikum ,
 okay entry kali ni aku nak ckp pasal kem jati diri form 5 bukan utk aku kay, hehehe, al maklomlah smnjak kena jadi fasilitator hari tuh, madah cikgu tarik nama aku je g kem, hahaah,

  kem ni dianjurkan oleh akak2 n abe2 dr UIAM(Universiti Islam Antarabangsa) dekat gombak. For me this camp mmg happening n best lah dr segi aktiviti diorg, sikap budak2 yg sgt sporting, n akak2 n abe2 yg sporting, hahahaha.
  then, dalam bnyak2 fasilitator tu adalah sorg abg ni un, die suka sgt menyanyi , kat mane2 pon die nk nyanyi naseb baik suara sedap hahahaha sory abe , nama die afnan, n here the person ,

     kenapalah masa form 5 batch aku takde buat kem best mcm ni, hmmmm,. aku bertugas kat sini dr pukul 8.00 smpai 2 lbey hahaha, then smpai2 je kenal2 ngan akak2 ni pstu nina smpai terus follow die g econsave g beli brg budak2 ni, yg ikut aku, nina, norle n arep, kesian wan kena tinggal sorg2 kat situ sape suruh bgon lmbat hahahahaha

   ni pon adalah satu pengalaman yg baru bg aku n seriously smnjak aku masuk f6 ni bnyk aktiviti yg dpat menonjolkan dan memberikan keberanian kpd diri aku untuk brhadapan dgan org ramai, :) dan aku harap sikap ini dapat diterapkan lg dalam diri :)

   ini ad bberapa foto yg dapat aku kongsikan :
bersama ustazah rohana :)

ustazah yg sgt aku syg n sgt sporting dan slalu memberikan nasihat yg berguna, :) terima kasih ustazah

arep,norle n wan

shazrina yg ddk ats ap benda ntah tu adik ksayangn aku, haahha syg kau dik :*

yg gugurl ddk kat atas mcm princess tu aku lah, haha, yg kat bawah2 tu bodygourd aku n nina, haha
yg pkai topi tu , wan, yg baju putih tu , arep n lg sorg tu , norle. :)

sempat lg berposing adik2 niiii,, hahahaha

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,, hari yg sgt indah, hahaha

  nampak tak ke-happening-an kiteorg hhaha, padahal baru kenal :), nice to know you kakak :)

Friday, 28 June 2013

Type of transmission and communication devices

 There are two types of transmission media : 1) GUIDED
                                                                   2) UNGUIDED
Guided Media :

  • Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
  • Shielded Twisted Pair
  • Coaxial Cable
  • Optical Fiber
  • Radio Transmission
  • Microwave
  • Satellite Communication

Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) : UTP is the copper media, inherited from telephony, which is being used for increasingly higher data rates, and is rapidly becoming the de facto standard for horizontal wiring, the connection between, and including, the outlet and the termination in the communication closet.

A  Twisted Pair is a pair of copper wires, with diameters of 0.4-0.8 mm, twisted together and wrapped with a plastic coating. The twisting increases the electrical noise immunity, and reduces the bit error rate (BER) of the data transmission. A UTP cable contains from 2 to 4200 twisted pairs.

Coaxial Cable: Coaxial cable is a two-conductor cable in which one conductor forms an electromagnetic shield around the other. The two conductors are separated by insulation. It is a constant impedance transmission cable. This media is used in base band and broadband transmission. Coaxial cables do not produce external electric and magnetic fields and are not affected by them. This makes them ideally suited, although more expensive, for transmitting signals.


Radio Frequencies : The frequency spectrum operates from 0 Hz (DC) to gamma rays (1019 Hz). Radio frequencies are in the range of 300 kHz to 10 GHz. We are seeing an emerging technology called wireless LANs. Some use radio frequencies to connect the workstations together, some use infrared technology.

 Microwave : Microwave transmission is line of sight transmission. The transmit station must be in visible contact with the receive station. This sets a limit on the distance between stations depending on the local geography. Typically the line of sight due to the Earth’s curvature is only 50 km to the horizon! Repeater stations must be placed so the data signal can hop, skip and jump across the country.

Satellite : Satellites are transponders (units that receive on one frequency and retransmit on another) that are set in geostationary orbits directly over the equator. These geostationary orbits are 36,000 km from the Earth’s surface. At this point, the gravitational pull of the Earth and the centrifugal force of Earth’s rotation are balanced and cancel each other out. Centrifugal force is the rotational f0000000orce placed on the satellite that wants to fling it out into space.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

pra-universiti smk tun habab

based title kt atas ku aku rasa korg dh agk aku nk ckap ap un, klau tak dpat agk buat2 dpat lah hahahaha, kay stop it! erm, actually, aku tak g mane 2 pon, semua org dok brtnye lpas ni aku ke mane kan haaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ni nk habaq ni , aku stay pra universiti kay! hahaha nmpk tak kelas kau,

    then, aku kelas ekonomi n name kelasnye 6 rendah al farabi :)sdap un?..huhuhu okay tu je nak cter n bfore that aku ad amk 4 sbjek n the subject is:

  • ICT
  • MUET

Sunday, 16 June 2013

work as fasilititor

assalamualaikum and selamat sejahtera
 ceh ceh, hahaha, mcm formal sgat je kau jah, okay sekian lama aku hidup di muka bumi ni kan, ni lah first time aku jd faci, haha, tapi utk budak2 je lah, for camp prs dalam lingkungan f1 until f5, huhu
tapi tak ramailah dalam 107 org ,

   kire experience baru lah dalam hidup aku but aku buat dgan sgt baik dr yg aku jangkakan, hdah kirah jgan kau nk berlagak kt sini :p, okay stop. continue the story group aku ad 10 org =3 org lelaki n 7 org perempuan :) . Skrg kan perempuan telah mguasai dunia, hahaha

    nak crte pasal budak2 dalam group ni , diorg ni mmg sporting lah, tapi dalam satu kump tu tak semua org sama sikapnye, ada juga yg pasif, diam je .. ni sebabnye mgkin diorg tak serasi lg dalam group dan persekitaranye yg baru kan..kay then , adalah sorang budak nih, she was really PENDIAM ! aku caps lock kan perkataan tu harap kau faham lah betapa pendiam nye budak tuh haih, then aku try selami hati die creta n advise kan akhirnye dia baru tonjolkan diri die, tapi belum sepenuhnye.
   aku harap aku dapat terus continue dgan pendirian dan jati diri aku untuk terus berjaye dalam kehidupan aku, for adik2 sekalian " jangan rasa diri tu rendah ,yakin pd diri awak sendiri untuk terus berjaya yg paling pentih keimanan dalam diri tu kuat in shaa Allah anda boleh" iye lah kan " kejayaan yg luar biasa tu dtg dr orang yg bekerja secara luar biasa".

barisan para fasilitator dr smkth and smkl :

then ni anak2 buah aku sayang korang! :)

                                        mira,amad,din,nabila,shahira,fiffa,anas,munira,banun n najaa..

sekian lama...

 so, based on the title above "sekian lama..." means dah lame tak update blog ni act huhu, so, hari ni dah lebih setahun baru nak update, hehe
 this is my first entry for this year, :) welcome to blog and create fantastic and menari narik lah ye cik kirah, so..............
                                             WELCOME TO SMILE CANDY!!!