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Friday, 25 October 2013

jalan-jalan :)

   ahhhhaaaaaaa this entry, aku pergi jalan-jalan dgan member aku ni haa, tak jauh pon kat aeon tebrau je,
tapi, kali ni aku jalan mcm aku rasa aku dah bekerjaya ceeehhhhwahhhh !
 biaq pi lah org nak cakap apa,, kat every corner snap picture, nampak tak, hahahaha

actually aku ni bukan senang sgt ni hangout, tapi bila dah hangout mcm ni lah jadinye, biaselah perempuan kan, mcm tak biase je, spent time kat Aeon tu 3 hours just searched baju and wedges hahaha, sape jadi bakal hubby kami please bertahan kay !

 snap picture in the car

 snap picture in the fitting room, hehehe
in front of the mirror in the shoe's shop

dah besar lah katekan , jalan sendiri2 drive sendiri everything sendiri, hahaha, that's all utk kali nih, later, aku update cerita baru, bye and assalamualaikum, :)